June 28, 2016 – Nithin Govindarajan named Researcher of the Month by the Center for Control, Dynamical-Systems and Computation
Nithn Govindarajan, a second-year graduate stuent in the Mezić Research Group has been named Researcher of the Month by the Center for Control, Dynamical System and Computation (CCDC). The CCDC awards this honor to prominent graduate students and post-doc researchers working in the area of control and dynamical system. Nithin's current research focuses on developing new numerical methods to compute the spectral objects associated with the Koopman operator. The CCDC interview with Nithin including an overview of his research and personal experience at UCSB could be found here.
Nithn Govindarajan, a second-year graduate stuent in the Mezić Research Group has been named Researcher of the Month by the Center for Control, Dynamical System and Computation (CCDC). The CCDC awards this honor to prominent graduate students and post-doc researchers working in the area of control and dynamical system. Nithin's current research focuses on developing new numerical methods to compute the spectral objects associated with the Koopman operator. The CCDC interview with Nithin including an overview of his research and personal experience at UCSB could be found here.