Ljuboslav Boskic and Igor Mezic, "Control-Oriented, Data-Driven Models of Thermal Dynamics", Energies 2021
- Mauroy, Y Susuki, I. Mezić, "The Koopman Operator in Systems and Control: Theory, Numerics, and Applications", https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030357122
- Zlatko Drmač, Igor Mezić and Ryan Mohr, "On Least Squares Problems with Certain Vandermonde--Khatri--Rao Structure with Applications to DMD", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
- Iva Manojlović, Maria Fonoberova, Ryan Mohr, Aleksandr Andrejčuk, Zlatko Drmač, Yannis Kevrekidis, Igor Mezić, "Applications of Koopman Mode Analysis to Neural Networks", arXiv:2006.11765
- C. Folkestad, D. Pastor, I. Mezic, R. Mohr, M. Fonoberova and J. Burdick, "Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Learned Koopman Eigenfunctions for Prediction and Control", 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, CO, USA, 2020
- Mathias Wanner, Igor Mezić, "Robust Approximation of the Stochastic Koopman Operator", arXiv:2011.00078
- Maysam Shamai, Scott T.M. Dawson, Igor Mezić, Beverley J. McKeon, "From unsteady to quasi-steady dynamics in the streamwise-oscillating cylinder wake", arXiv:2007.05635
- Ljuboslav Boskic, Cory N. Brown & Igor Mezić, "Koopman mode analysis on thermal data for building energy assessment", Advances in Building Energy Research
- Igor Mezić, "On Numerical Approximations of the Koopman Operator", arXiv:2009.05883
- Stefan Ivić, Bojan Crnković, Hassan Arbabi, Sophie Loire, Patrick Clary & Igor Mezić , "Search strategy in a complex and dynamic environment: the MH370 case", Scientific Reports 10
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Alexandre Mauroy, Igor Mezic, "Koopman Resolvent: A Laplace-Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Autonomous Dynamical Systems", arXiv:2009.11544
- Hiroya Nakao and Igor Mezić, "Spectral analysis of the Koopman operator for partial differential equations", Chaos
- Yoshihiko Susuki and Igor Mezić, "Invariant Sets in Quasiperiodically Forced Dynamical Systems", https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/18M1193529?journalCode=sjaday
- James Hogg, Maria Fonoberova & Igor Mezić , "Exponentially decaying modes and long-term prediction of sea ice concentration using Koopman mode decomposition", Scientific Reports 10
- David A. Haggerty, Michael J. Banks, Patrick C. Curtis, Igor Mezić, Elliot W. Hawkes, "Modeling, Reduction, and Control of a Helically Actuated Inertial Soft Robotic Arm via the Koopman Operator", arXiv:2011.07939
- M. Korda, I. Mezić, "Optimal construction of Koopman eigenfunctions for prediction and control", https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9022864
- Igor Mezić, "Koopman Operator, Geometry, and Learning", arXiv:2010.05377
- Marko Perčić, Saša Zelenika, Igor Mezić, "Characterization of influential parameters on friction in the nanometric domain using experimental and machine learning methods", Engineering Power : Bulletin of the Croatian Academy of Engineering
- E. Yasun, B. Neff, T. Trusty, L. Boskic, I. Mezić, "Electrokinetic mixing in electrode-embedded multiwell plates to improve the diffusion limited kinetics of biosensing platforms", https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S000326702030146X?via%3Dihub
- M Korda, I. Mezić, "Koopman Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems", https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-15582-5
- KC Lee, S Kaufman-Martin, S Sadri, P Shukla, I Mezić, P Luzzatto-Fegiz, "Koopman analysis of vortex dynamics", Bulletin of the American Physical Society
- S Zelenika, E Kamenar, M Korda, I. Mezić, "Application of Koopman-Based Control in Ultrahigh-Precision Positioning", https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-35713-9_17
- A Mauroy, A Sootla, I. Mezić, "Koopman Framework for Global Stability Analysis", https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-030-35713-9_2.pdf
- R Mohr, I. Mezić, "Koopman Spectrum and Stability of Cascaded Dynamical Systems", https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-030-35713-9_5.pdf
- A Mauroy, Y Susuki, I. Mezić, "Introduction to the Koopman Operator in Dynamical Systems and Control Theory", https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-35713-9_1
- Allan Avila & Igor Mezić, "Data-driven analysis and forecasting of highway traffic dynamics", https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-15582-5
- Igor Mezić, A. Mauroy, Y. Susuki, "The Koopman Operator in Systems and Control: Theory, Numerics, and Applications", https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030357122
- Hassan Arbabi & Igor Mezić, "Spectral analysis of mixing in high-Reynolds 2D flows", preprint
- M. Perčić, S. Zelenika, I. Mezić, R Peter, N Krstulović, "An experimental methodology for the concurrent characterization of multiple parameters influencing nanoscale friction", https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40544-019-0289-z
- M. Perčić, S. Zelenika, I. Mezić, R Peter, N Krstulović, "An experimental methodology for the concurrent characterization of multiple parameters influencing nanoscale friction", https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40544-019-0289-z
- M. Fonoberova, I. Mezić, J. Mezić, J. Hogg, J. Gravel, "Small-world networks and synchronisation in an agent-based model of civil violence", https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17440572.2019.1662304?journalCode=fglc20
- E. Yasun, T. Trusty, R.W. Abolhosn , N.J. Clarke, I. Mezić, "Electrokinetic Mixing for Improving the Kinetics of an HbA1c immunoassay", https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-56205-4
- T. Bertalan, F. Dietrich, I. Mezić, I.G. Kevrekidis., "On learning Hamiltonian systems from data", https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5128231
- I Mezić, "Spectrum of the Koopman Operator, Spectral Expansions in Functional Spaces, and State-Space Geometry", https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/18M1227688
- Zlatko Drmač, Igor Mezić, Ryan Mohr, "Data driven Koopman spectral analysis in Vandermonde-Cauchy form via the DFT: numerical method and theoretical insights", Data Driven Koopman Spectral Analysis in Vandermonde–Cauchy Form via the DFT: Numerical Method and Theoretical Insights
- Hassan Arbabi, Igor Mezić, "Prandtl–Batchelor theorem for flows with quasiperiodic time dependence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Igor Mezić, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Maria Fonoberova, Tuhin Sahai, "Spectral Complexity of Directed Graphs and Application to Structural Decomposition", Complexity
- Nithin Govindarajan, Ryan Mohr, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Igor Mezić, "On the approximation of Koopman spectra for measure preserving transformations", https://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/18M1175094
- Hassan Arbabi, "Koopman spectral analysis and study of mixing in incompressible flows", UC Santa Barbara
- Ervin Kamenar, Milan Korda, Saša Zelenika, Igor Mezić, Senka Maćešić, "Koopman-based model predictive control of a nanometric positioning system", 18th EUSPEN International Conference
- H Zhu, M Moulin, B Murray, V Fonoberov, I Mezic, "System Analysis and Verification: A Comprehensive Approach and Case Study", Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research, 215-230
- Hassan Arbabi, Milan Korda, Igor Mezic, "A data-driven Koopman model predictive control framework for nonlinear flows", arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.05291
- James Hogg, Maria Fonoberova, Igor Mezic, "Sea Ice Koopman Mode Analysis", Aimdyn, Inc Santa Barbara United States
- Milan Korda, Igor Mezić, "Linear predictors for nonlinear dynamical systems: Koopman operator meets model predictive control", Automatica
- Senka Maćešić, Nelida Črnjarić-Žic, Igor Mezić, "Non-autonomous Koopman operator family spectrum", Ninth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Zlatko Drmac, Igor Mezic, Ryan Mohr, "Data driven modal decompositions: analysis and enhancements", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
- A Mauroy, I Mezic, "Global computation of phase-amplitude reduction for limit-cycle dynamics", arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.07379
- Jennifer F Buckman, Evgeny G Vaschillo, Maria Fonoberova, Igor Mezić, Marsha E Bates, "The translational value of psychophysiology methods and mechanisms: Multilevel, dynamic, personalized", Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs
- Maria Fonoberova, Igor Mezić, Jadranka Mezić, Ryan Mohr, "An agent-based model of urban insurgence: Effect of gathering sites and Koopman mode analysis", Public Library of Science
- Marko Perčić, Saša Zelenika, Igor Mezić, Robert Peter, Nikša Krstulović, "Experimental approach to establishing a model of nanoscale friction", 18th EUSPEN International Conference
- Maysam Shamai, Igor Mezic, Beverley McKeon, "Amplitude modulation and suppressed shedding in the wake of a streamwise-oscillating cylinder", Bulletin of the American Physical Society
- Milan Korda, Didier Henrion, Igor Mezic, "Convex computation of extremal invariant measures of nonlinear dynamical systems and Markov processes", arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08956
- Milan Korda, Mihai Putinar, Igor Mezić, "Data-driven spectral analysis of the Koopman operator", Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
- Milan Korda, Igor Mezić, "Learning Koopman eigenfunctions for prediction and control: the transient case", arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08733
- Milan Korda, Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezić, "Power grid transient stabilization using Koopman model predictive control", arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.10744
- Milan Korda, Igor Mezić, "On convergence of extended dynamic mode decomposition to the Koopman operator", Journal of Nonlinear Science
- N Črnjarić-Žic, S Maćešić, I Mezić, "Spectral properties of the stochastic Koopman operator and its numerical approximations", Ninth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Nithin Govindarajan, Ryan Mohr, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Igor Mezić, "On the approximation of Koopman spectra of measure-preserving flows", arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.10296
- Samaneh Sadri, Hassan Arbabi, Igor Mezic, Paolo Luzzatto Fegiz, "Koopman mode representations of vortex interactions and instabilities", Bulletin of the American Physical Society
- Senka Maćešić, Nelida Črnjarić-Žic, Igor Mezić, "Koopman Operator Family Spectrum for Nonautonomous Systems", Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Yohei Kono, Yoshihiko Susuki, Mitsunori Hayashida, Igor Mezić, Takashi Hikihara, "Multiscale modeling of in-room temperature distribution with human occupancy data: a practical case study", Journal of Building Performance Simulation
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezić, "Uniformly Bounded Sets in Quasiperiodically Forced Dynamical Systems", arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08340
- Zlatko Drmač, Igor Mezić, Ryan Mohr, "On least squares problems with certain Vandermonde--Khatri--Rao structure with applications to DMD", arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.12562
- Hassan Arbabi, Igor Mezic, "Computation of Koopman spectrum for complex flows", SIAM meeting on applied dynamical systems, May 2017, Snowbird, Utah
- Ryan Mohr, Igor Mezic, "Koopman spectrum for cascaded systems", SIAM meeting on applied dynamical systems, May 2017, Snowbird, Utah
- Nithin Govindarajan, Igor Mezic, "A toolbox for computing spectral properties of dynamical systems", SIAM meeting on applied dynamical systems, May 2017, Snowbird, Utah
- Hassan Arbabi and Igor Mezic, "Study of dynamics in post-transient flows using Koopman mode decomposition", Physical Review Fluids
- Igor Mezic and Hassan Arbabi, "On the Computation of Isostables, Isochrons and Other Spectral Objects of the Koopman Operator Using the Dynamic Mode Decomposition", 2017 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA 2017) , Cancun, Mexico, December 4-7, 2017
- Milan Korda and Igor Mezic, "On Convergence of Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition to the Koopman Operator", Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2017
- Milan Korda, Mihai Putinar and Igor Mezić, "Data-driven spectral analysis of the Koopman operator", https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.06532
- Milan Korda and Igor Mezić, "Linear predictors for nonlinear dynamical systems: Koopman operator meets model predictive control", https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.03537
- Organizers: D. Henrion, I. Mezic, M. Putinar, "Oberwolfach Report. Mini-Workshop: Applied Koopmanism", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. Feb. 7 - 13, 2016. Oberwolfach, Germany
- AF Tomas, AC Poje and I Mezic, "Finite-time partitions for Lagrangian Structure Identification in Gulf Stream Eddy transport", arXiv
- Hassan Arbabi and Igor Mezic, "Ergodic theory, Dynamic Mode Decomposition and computation of spectral properties of the Koopman operator", SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, arXiv:1611.06664
- AS. Sharma, I. Mezic, BJ. McKeon, "On the correspondence between Koopman mode decomposition, resolvent mode decomposition, and invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations", To appear in Phys. Rev F
- GS Thakur, R. Mohr, I. Mezic, "Programmable Potentials: Approximate N-body potentials from coarse-level logic", (In press) Scientific Reports
- Hassan Arbabi, Igor Mezic, "Bifurcations of driven cavity flow and their implications for mixing", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60
- Marko Budišić, Stefan Siegmund, Doan Thai Son, Igor Mezić, "Mesochronic Classification of Incompressible 3D Finite-Time Vector Fields", arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.05333
- Alex Eden, Marin Sigurdson, Igor Mezic, Carl Meinhart, "Numerical Optimization Strategy for Determining 3D Flow Fields in Microfluidics", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60
- Michael Georgescu, Igor Mezić, "Building energy modeling: A systematic approach to zoning and model reduction using Koopman Mode Analysis", Energy and Buildings, Volume 86, January 2015, Pages 794–802
- Bryan Glaz, Sophie Loire, Maria Fonoberova, Igor Mezic, "Koopman decompositions of periodically forced Hopf bifurcation flows and application to dynamic stall", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60
- Zoran Levnajić, Igor Mezić, "Ergodic theory and visualization. II. Fourier mesochronic plots visualize (quasi) periodic sets", Chaos 25, 053105 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4919767
- Alexandre Mauroy, I Mezić, "Extreme phase sensitivity in systems with fractal isochrons", Physica D 308 (2015) 40–51; doi: 10.1016/j.physd.2015.06.004
- Alexandre Mauroy, Igor Mezic, "Computation of the Koopman eigenfunctions is a systematic method for global stability analysis", SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (invited talk)
- Igor Mezic, "On applications of the spectral theory of the Koopman operator in dynamical systems and control theory", Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on
- Ryan Mohr, Igor Mezić, "Searching for Targets of Nonuniform Size Using Mixing Transformations: Constructive Upper Bounds and Limit Laws", Journal of Nonlinear Science (2015) 25:741–777; doi: 10.1007/s00332-015-9240-2
- II Rypina, Larry J Pratt, Peng Wang, TM Özgökmen, I Mezic, "Resonance phenomena in a time-dependent, three-dimensional model of an idealized eddy", Chaos 25, 087401 (2015)
- Y. Susuhki, I. Mezic, H. Hoshino, T. Hikihara, "A Unified Definition of Collective Instabilities in Coupled Generator Networks", IFAC Papers Online
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezic, "A prony approximation of Koopman Mode Decomposition", Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on
- Matthew O Williams, Clarence W Rowley, Igor Mezić, Ioannis G Kevrekidis, "Data fusion via intrinsic dynamic variables: An application of data-driven Koopman spectral analysis", EPL (Europhysics Letters), 109, (2015) 40007
- Alexandre Mauroy, Igor Mezic, "Global stability analysis using the eigenfunctions of the Koopman operator", arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.137
- Michael Georgescu, "Analysis of systems in buildings using spectral Koopman operator methods", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Maria Fonoberova, Igor Mezić, Jennifer F Buckman, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Adriana Mezić, Evgeny G Vaschillo, Eun-Young Mun, Bronya Vaschillo, Marsha E Bates, "A computational physiology approach to personalized treatment models: the beneficial effects of slow breathing on the human cardiovascular system", American Physiological Society
- Igor Mezic, Hassan Arbabi, "On the relationship between Koopman Mode Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59
- Ryan M. Mohr, "Spectral Properties of the Koopman Operator in the Analysis of Nonstationary Dynamical Systems", PhD Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Ryan Mohr, Igor Mezić, "Construction of eigenfunctions for scalar-type operators via Laplace averages with connections to the Koopman operator", arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.6559
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezic, "Nonlinear Koopman modes and power system stability assessment without models", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- Alexandre Mauroy, Blane Rhoads, Jeff Moehlis, Igor Mezic, "Global isochrons and phase sensitivity of bursting neurons", SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Hikaru Hoshino, Takashi Hikihara, Igor Mezic, "Nonlinear instability of a network of fixed-speed induction generators", European Control Conference (ECC), 2014
- A. Mauroy, I. Mezic, J. Moehlis, "Isostables, isochrons, and Koopman spectrum for the action–angle representation of stable fixed point dynamics", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- B. Rhoads, I. Mezic, AC. Poje, "Minimum time heading control of underpowered vehicles in time-varying ocean currents", Ocean Engineering
- Y. Lan, I. Mezic, "Linearization in the large of nonlinear systems and Koopman operator spectrum", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- B. Rhoads, I. Mezic, A. Poje, "Efficient Guidance in Finite Time Flow Fields", Decision and Control (CDC)
- M. Fonoberov, VA. Fonoberov, I. Mezic, "Global sensitivity/uncertainty analysis for agent-based models", Reliability Engineering & System Safety
- Igor Mezic, "Analysis of fluid flows via spectral properties of the Koopman operator", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- Kauffmann, Paul, Loire, Sophie, Mezic, Igor and Meinhart, Carl, "Proper Orthogonal Decomposition based 3D microPIV: application to electrothermal flow study", Proc. 10th International Symposium on Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV13)
- Loire, Sophie and Mezic, Igor, "Spatial filter averaging approach of probabilistic method to linear second-order partial differential equations of the parabolic type", Journal of Computational Physics , 233, 0: 175 - 191
- Loire, Sophie, Fonoberov, V and Mezi'c, I, "Performance Study of an Adaptive Controller in the Presence of Uncertainty", Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions
- A. Mauroy, I. Mezic, "A spectral operator-theoretic framework for global stability", Decision and Control (CDC)
- Blane Rhoads, "Efficient Guidance of Underpowered Vehicles in Time-Varying Flow Fields", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Marko Budišić, Ryan Mohr, Igor Mezić, "Applied Koopmanism", Chaos 22, 047510 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4772195
- Marko Budisic, Igor Mezic, "Visualization of invariant sets in incompressible fluid flows from Lagrangian data
", APS Meeting Abstracts - Marko Budisic, "Ergodic Quotients in Analysis of Dynamical Systems", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Marko Budišić, Igor Mezić, "Geometry of the ergodic quotient reveals coherent structures in flows", Physica D 241 (2012) 1255–1269
- Eisenhower, B, O'Neill, Z, Narayanan, S, Fonoberov, V and Mezic, I, "A Methodology for Meta-Model Based Optimization in Building Energy Models", Energy and Buildings, 47
- Eisenhower, B, O'Neill, Z, Fonoberov, V and Mezic, I, "Uncertainty and Sensitivity Decomposition of Building Energy Models", Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 5, 3
- Eisenhower, B and Mezic, I, "Uncertainty in the Energy Dynamics of Commercial Office Buildings", IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control
- Eisenhower, B, Gasljevic, K and Mezic, I, "Control-oriented dynamic modeling and calibration of a campus theater using Modelica", IBPSA-USA's SimBuild 2012 Conference The Future of Simulation for Buildings
- Eisenhower, B, Fonoberov, V and Mezic, I, "Uncertainty-weighted Meta-model Optimization in Building Energy Models", IBPSA-England 1st Conference on Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO12)
- Eisenhower, B and Mezic, I, "Extracting Dynamic Information from Whole-Building Energy Models", Proceedings of Conference on Dynamics for Design, AMSE, AMSE
- Maria Fonoberova, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Igor Mezic, Jadranka Mezic, P Jeffrey Brantingham, "Nonlinear dynamics of crime and violence in urban settings", Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 15 (1) 2
- Georgescu, Michael, Eisenhower, Bryan and Mezic, Igor, "Creating zoning approximations to building energy models using the Koopman Operator", IBPSA-USA SimBuild: 40-47
- Paul Kauffmann, Sophie Loire, Carl Meinhart, Igor Mezic, "Experimental Study of Electrothermal 3D Mixing using 3D microPIV", APS Meeting Abstracts
- Loire, S, Kauffmann, P, Mezi'c, I and Meinhart, CD, "A theoretical and experimental study of ac electrothermal flows", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 18: 185301
- Sophie Loire, Paul Kauffmann, Paul Gimenez, Igor Mezić, Carl Meinhart, "Electrothermal blinking vortices for chaotic mixing", ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 689-690
- Alexandre Mauroy, Igor Mezić, "On the use of Fourier averages to compute the global isochrons of (quasi) periodic dynamics", Chaos 22, 033112 (2012)
- Igor Mezic, Frederic Bottausci, Jason S Spievak, Peter J Strand, "Small volume liquid manipulation, method, apparatus and process", U.S. Patent 8246802
- Satish Narayanan, Sunil Ahuja, Niranjan Desai, Zheng O'Neill, Slaven Peles, Amit Surana, Russell Taylor, Shui Yuan, Bryan Eisenhower, Vladimir Fonoberov, Igor Mezic, Kevin Otto, Eugene Cliff, Jeff Borggaard, John A Burns, Angela Lewis, Paul Ehrlich, Jeff Seewald, "A Systems Approach to High Performance Buildings: A Computational Systems Engineering R&D Program to Increase DoD Energy Efficiency", United Technologies Research Center
- Otto, K, Eisenhower, B, O'Neill, Z, Narayanan, S and Mezic, I, "Prioritizing Building System Energy Failure Modes Using Whole Building Energy Simulation", IBPSA-USA's SimBuild 2012 Conference The Future of Simulation for Buildings
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezic, "Nonlinear Koopman modes and a precursor to power system swing instabilities", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems , Volume 27, Issue 3
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezić, Takashi Hikihara, "Coherent swing instability of interconnected power grids and a mechanism of cascading failure", Control and Optimization Methods for Electric Smart Grids, Book Chapter
- Umesh Vaidya, Igor Mezić, "Existence of invariant tori in three dimensional maps with degeneracy", Physica D 241 (2012) 1136–1145
- David L Valentine, Igor Mezić, Senka Maćešić, Nelida Črnjarić-Žic, Stefan Ivić, Patrick J Hogan, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Sophie Loire, "Dynamic autoinoculation and the microbial ecology of a deep water hydrocarbon irruption", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Yu Zou, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Maria Fonoberova, Igor Mezic, Ioannis G Kevrekidis, "Model reduction for agent-based social simulation: coarse-graining a civil violence model", Phys. Rev. E 85, 066106
- Bryan Eisenhower, Zheng O’Neill, Satish Narayanan, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Igor Mezic, "A comparative study on uncertainty propagation in high performance building design", International Building Performance Simulation Association
- Andrzej Banaszuk, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Thomas A Frewen, Marin Kobilarov, George Mathew, Igor Mezic, Alessandro Pinto, Tuhin Sahai, Harshad Sane, Alberto Speranzon, Amit Surana, "Scalable approach to uncertainty quantification and robust design of interconnected dynamical systems", Annual Reviews in Control
- Clarence W Rowley, Igor Mezic, Shervin Bagheri, Philipp Schlatter, Dan S Henningson, "Reduced-order models for flow control: balanced models and Koopman modes", Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009
- Eisenhower, B, O'Neill, Z, Narayanan, S, Fonoberov, V and Mezic, I, "A Comparative Study on Uncertainty Propagation in High Performance Building Design", International Building Performance Simulation Association, BuildSim 2011
- George Mathew, Igor Mezić, "Metrics for ergodicity and design of ergodic dynamics for multi-agent systems", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Kauffmann, Paul, Loire, Sophie, Sigurdson, Marin and Mezi'c, Igor, "Non-Linear Behavior of Electrothermal Flows", Proc. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
- Loire, Sophie, Kauffmann, Paul and Mezi\'c, Igor, "Study of AC Eletrothermal Phenomena Models", Proceeding of COMSOL Conference Boston, 2011 (Best Paper Award)
- Paul Kauffmann, Sophie Loire, Marin Sigurdson, Igor Mezi'c, "Non-Linear Behavior of Electrothermal Flows", Proc. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
- Gunjan Thakur, "Encoding Information in Coarse Grain Models for Self-Assembling Systems", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezić, Takashi Hikihara, "Coherent swing instability of power grids", Journal of nonlinear science
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezić, "Nonlinear Koopman modes and coherency identification of coupled swing dynamics", Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on
- Yueheng Lan, Igor Mezić, "On the architecture of cell regulation networks", BMC systems biology
- A Banaszuk, V Fonoberov, T Frewen, M Kobilarov, G Mathew, I Mezic, A Pinto, T Sahai, H Sane, "Robust and nonlinear control literature survey (No. 25)", Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control
- Alice Hubenko, Vladimir A Fonoberov, George Mathew, Igor Mezić, "Multiscale adaptive search", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on
- Marsha E Bates, Jennifer F Buckman, Evgeny G Vaschillo, Vladimir A Fonoberov, Maria Fonoberova, Bronya Vaschillo, Eun-Young Mun, Adriana Mezić, Igor Mezić, "The redistribution of power: Neurocardiac signaling, alcohol and gender", PloS one
- G. Mathew, A. Surana, I. Mezic´, "Uniform Coverage Control of Mobile Sensor Networks for Dynamic Target Detection", Decision and Control (CDC)
- Y. Susuki, I. Mezic, "Nonlinear Koopman modes of coupled swing dynamics and coherency identification", Power and Energy Society General Meeting
- Y. Susuki, I. Mezic, T. Hikihara, "Coherent swing instability of power systems and cascading failures", Power and Energy Society General Meeting
- CW. Rowley, I. Mezic, S. Bagheri, P. Schlatter, and DS. Henningson, "Reduced-order models for flow control: balanced models and Koopman modes", Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition
- Eisenhower, Bryan and Mezić, Igor, "Targeted activation in deterministic and stochastic systems", Physical Review E, 81, 2
- Eisenhower, Bryan, Maile, T., Fischer, M. and Mezić, Igor, "Decomposing Building System Data for Model Validation and Analysis Using the Koopman Operator", IBPSA Simbuild Conference, NY, NY
- Mezic, Igor, Loire, S., Fonoberov, Vladimir A. and Hogan, P., "A New Mixing Diagnostic and Gulf Oil Spill Movement", Science: science.1194607
- Mohr, Ryan and Mezi'c, Igor, "The use of ergodic theory in designing dynamics for search problems", Decision and Control (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on: 7300 -- 7307
- Rhoads, Blane, Mezi'c, Igor and Poje, Andrew, "Minimum time feedback control of autonomous underwater vehicles", Decision and Control (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on: 5828 -- 5834
- Bryan Eisenhower, "Targeted Escape in Large Oscillator Networks", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Marko Budišic, Igor Mezic, "An Approximate Parametrization of the Ergodic Partition using Time Averaged Observables", Proceedings of Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, PR China: 3162--3168
- Luca Cortelezzi (Ed.), Igor Mezic (Ed.), "Analysis and control of mixing with an application to micro and macro flow processes", Springer Science & Business Media, Vol 510
- CW. Rowley, I. Mezic, S. Bagheri, P. Schlatter, DS. Henningson, "Spectral analysis of nonlinear flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Sophie Loire, Igor Mezić, Vladimir A Fonoberov, "Combustion of methane in microchannels", ASME Conference Proceedings
- Sophie Loire, Igor Mezic, "Joint use of traveling wave dielectrophoresis and AC-electroosmosis for particle manipulation", ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, pp. 643-648
- Maud-Alix Mader, Frederic Bottausci, Igor Mezic, "Electrokinetic Mixing in Microplates and its Applications to Kinase and ELISA-Assay Type Reactions", ASME 2009 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, pp. 539-542
- George Mathew, Igor Mezic, "Spectral Multiscale Coverage: A uniform coverage algorithm for mobile sensor networks.", CDC (2009) pp. 7872-7877
- Igor Mezić, "Lectures on mixing and dynamical systems", Analysis and Control of Mixing with an Application to Micro and Macro Flow Processes, Book Chapter, pp. 35-108, Springer Vienna
- Meredith M Murr, Gunjan S Thakur, Youli Li, Hiro Tsuruta, Igor Mezic, Daniel E Morse, "New pathway for self-assembly and emergent properties", Nano Today (2009) 4, 116—124
- Sahai, Tuhin, Fonoberov, Vladimir A. and Loire, Sophie, "Uncertainty as a stabilizer of the head-tail ordered phase in carbon-monoxide monolayers on graphite", Phys. Rev. B, 80, 11: 115413
- Sherry E Scott, Thomas C Redd, Leonid Kuznetsov, Igor Mezić, Christopher KRT Jones, "Capturing deviation from ergodicity at different scales", Physica D 238 (2009) 1668–1679
- Susuki, Yoshihiko, Mezić, Igor and Hikihara, Takashi, "Global swing instability in the New England power grid model", Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, USA: 3446-3451
- Susuki, Yoshihiko and Mezić, Igor, "Ergodic partition of phase space in continuous dynamical systems", Proceedings of the Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chienese Control Conference (CDC/CCC2009), Shanghai, China: 7497-7502
- Susuki, Yoshihiko, Mezić, Igor and Hikihara, Takashi, "Coherent dynamics and instability of power grids", Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2009), Sapporo, Japan: 540-543
- Philip Du Toit, Igor Mezić, Jerrold Marsden, "Coupled oscillator models with no scale separation", Physica D 238 (2009) 490–501
- Sophie Loire, "Manipulation of Microsize to Nanosize Particles with AC Electrokinetic Forces", PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Eisenhower, Bryan and Mezić, Igor, "Actuation requirements in high dimensional oscillator systems", American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, USA
- Eisenhower, Bryan, Hagen, Gregory, Banaszuk, Andrzej and Mezić, Igor, "Passive Control of Limit Cycle Oscillations in a Thermoacoustic System Using Asymmetry", Journal of Applied Mechanics
- Eisenhower, Bryan and Runolfsson, T, "System level modeling of a transcritical vapor compression system for bistability analysis", Nonlinear Dynamics
- Levnajić, Zoran and Mezić, Igor, "Ergodic Theory and Visualization I: Visualization of Ergodic Partition and Invariant Sets", arXiv, nlin.CD: 20
- Levnajić, Zoran and Mezić, Igor, "Ergodic Theory and Visualization II: Visualization of Resonances and Periodic Sets", arXiv, nlin.CD
- Mezić, Igor and Runolfsson, T, "Uncertainty propagation in dynamical systems", Automatica
- Susuki, Yoshihiko, Mezić, Igor and Hikihara, T, "Global Swing Instability of Multimachine Power Systems", Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Vaidya, Umesh and Mezić, Igor, "Existence of invariant tori in action-angle-angle maps with degeneracy", Preprint: 25
- Zhang, Y, Bottausci, Frederic, Rao, M, Parker, E and Mezić, Igor, "Titanium-based dielectrophoresis devices for microfluidic applications", Biomedical Microdevices
- Idan Tuval, Igor Mezić, Frédéric Bottausci, Yanting T Zhang, Noel C MacDonald, Oreste Piro, "Control of particles in microelectrode devices", Physical review letters
- Thomas John, "Transport, Reaction and Mixing in Fluid Flows", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Bottausci, Frederic and Mezić, Igor, "ELISA and DNA reactions enhancement using micromixing", American Physical Society
- Bottausci, Frederic, Cardonne, Caroline, Meinhart, C and Mezić, Igor, "An ultrashort mixing length micromixer: The shear superposition micromixer", Lab on a Chip
- Eisenhower, Bryan and Mezić, Igor, "A mechanism for energy transfer leading to conformation change in networked nonlinear systems", Proceedings of the 46 th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Hagen, Gregory, Smith, T, Banaszuk, Andrzej, Coifman, Ronald R and Mezić, Igor, "Validation of low-dimensional models using diffusion maps and harmonic averaging", Proceedings of the 46 th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- John, Thomas and Mezić, Igor, "Maximizing mixing and alignment of orientable particles for reaction enhancement", Physics of Fluids
- Mathew, George, Mezić, Igor, Grivopoulos, Symeon, Vaidya, Umesh and Petzold Linda, "Optimal control of mixing in Stokes fluid flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Mehta, P and Eisenhower, Bryan, "Computational modeling and analysis of multiple steady states in vapor compression systems", Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
- Mezić, Igor and Bottausci, Frederic, "Active, Universal Particle Micromanipulators: CPUs for Microfluidics", American Physical Society
- Marin Sigurdson, Dong-Eui Chang, Idan Tuval, Igor Mezic, Carl Meinhart, "Ac electrokinetic stirring and focusing of nanoparticles", Chapter in BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, pp 243-255
- Bottausci, Frederic and Mezić, Igor, "Multi-frequency Electrokinetic Micromixing", American Physical Society
- Bottausci, Frederic, Loire, Sophie, Zhang, YT and Mezic, I, "Concentration of Q-dots particles and nanoscale DNA using dielectro-kinetic properties", ASME Conference Proceedings
- Bottausci, Frederic, Cardonne, Caroline, Mezić, Igor and Meinhart, C, "An actively controlled micromixer: 3-D aspect", COURSES AND LECTURES-INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL ...
- C Castillo-Chavez, L Cruz, I Mezic, J Mezic, D Gorman, L Waller, P Gruenewald, "Systems dynamic and agent-based models of drinking and violence", ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 30 (6) pp. 240A-240A
- Gorman, D, Mezic, Jadranka, Mezić, Igor and Gruenewald, P, "Agent-based modeling of drinking behavior: a preliminary model and potential applications to theory ...", American Journal of Public Health
- Dennis M Gorman, Jadranka Mezic, Igor Mezic, Paul J Gruenewald, "Agent-based modeling of drinking behavior: a preliminary model and potential applications to theory and practice", American Journal of Public Health, November 2006, Vol. 96, No. 11 : pp. 2055-2060
- Thomas John, Igor Mezic, "Transport of densities in position-orientation space for the study of orientable particles in microchannels", APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, Volume 1
- John, Thomas, Mezić, Igor, Vaidya, Umesh and Lelic, M, "Low order modeling, dynamics and control of an inert gas based fire protection system", American Control Conference
- Petros D Koumoutsakos, Igor Mezic (Eds.), "Control of fluid flow", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol 330
- Loire, Sophie, Bottausci, Frederic and Mezić, Igor, "Physical and Design Parameters Influence On Nanoparticle DEP Dynamic Focusing", American Physical Society
- George Mathew, "Control of Mixing in Fluid Flows and Applications to Microfluidic Mixing", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barabara
- Mathew, George, "Control of mixing in fluid flows and applications to microfluidic mixing", gradworks.umi.com
- Mezić, Igor, "On the dynamics of molecular conformation", PNAS, 103, 20: 7542--7547
- Mezić, Igor, Eisenhower, Bryan, Hagen, Gregory and Banaszuk, Andrzej, "Passive Control of Limit Cycle Oscillations in a Thermoacoustic System using Asymmetry", Storming Media
- Mezić, Igor, Bottausci, Frederic and Tuval, I, "Dynamic equilibrium separation, concentration, and mixing apparatus and methods
", US Patent 8182669 - Meredith Murr, Gunjan Thakur, Igor Mezic, Daniel Morse, "Modeling of fractal intermediates in the self-assembly of silicatein filaments", APS Meeting Abstracts
- Vainchtein, Dimitri, Neishtadt, A I and Mezić, Igor, "On passage through resonances in volume-preserving systems", Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
- Vainchtein, Dimitri and Mezić, Igor, "Vortex-based control algorithms", Lecture notes in control and information sciences, 330: 189--212
- Bottausci, Frederic, Zhang, Y and Mezić, Igor, "Dielectrophoretic processes in a linear electrode array", American Physical Society
- Bottausci, Frederic, Cardonne, Caroline, Mezić, Igor and Meinhart, C, "Fast mixing using the Shear Superposition Micromixer", Proceedings of the Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Cambridge, MA, USA: 740--743
- Loire, Sophie, Zhang, Yanting, Bottausci, Frederic, MacDonald, Noel C. and Mezic, Igor, "Controlled Separation and Trapping of Particles Using Two-frequency DEP", ASME Conference Proceedings, 2005, 4224X: 543-549
- Loire, Sophie, Zhang, YT, Bottausci, Frederic, MacDonald, N and Mezic, Igor, "Control of particles using multi-frequency DEP", Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, 3: 483-613
- Mathew, George, Mezić, Igor and Petzold, L, "A multiscale measure for mixing", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Mezić, Igor, "Spectral properties of dynamical systems, model reduction and decompositions", Nonlinear Dynamics, 41: 309--325
- Tuval, I, Mezić, Igor, Bottausci, Frederic and Zhang, Y, "Control of particles in microelectrode devices", J. Electrost Phys Rev Lett
- Vaidya, Umesh, Hagen, Gregory, Lafon, St'ephane, Banaszuk, Andrzej, Mezić, Igor and Coifman, Ronald R., "Comparison of Systems Using Diffusion Maps", Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference
- Zhang, Y, Bottausci, Frederic, MacDonald, N and Mezić, Igor, "Experimental Study of Two-frequency Dielectrophoresis Effects on a Linear Electrode Array", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- O. Junge, J. Marsden, I. Mezic, "Uncertainty in dynamics of conservative maps", Control and Decision (CDC)
- Y. Zhang, H. Chen, I. Mezic, CD. Meinhart, L. Petzold and N.C. MacDonald, "SOI Processing of a Ring Electrokinetic Chaotic Micromixer", Technical Proc. 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conf. Trade Show
- D. M. Gorman, P. J. Gruenewald, P. J. Hanlon, Igor Mezic, Lance A. Waller,Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Elizabeth Bradley, and Jadranka Mezic, "Implications of Systems Dynamic Models and Control Theory for Environmental Approaches to the Prevention of Alcohol- and Other Drug Use-Related Problems", SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE
- S. Varigonda, T. Kalmar-Nagy, B. LaBarre, Igor Mezic, "Graph Decomposition Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in Complex, Nonlinear Interconnected Dynamical Systems", Control and Decision (CDC)
- Banaszuk, Andrzej, Mehta, P and Mezić, Igor, "Spectral balance: a frequency domain framework for analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems", Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Bottausci, Frederic, Cardonne, Caroline, Delaunay, I and Mezić, Igor, "High Efficiency Mixing in the Shear Superposition Micromixer", American Physical Society
- Bottausci, Frederic, Mezić, Igor, Meinhart, C and Cardonne, Caroline, "Mixing in the shear superposition micromixer: three-dimensional analysis", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
- Hagen, Gregory, Mezić, Igor and Bamieh, B, "Distributed control design for parabolic evolution equations: application to compressor stall control", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49, 8: 1247--1258
- Mathew, George, Mezić, Igor, Serban, R and Petzold, L, "Optimization of mixing in an active micromixing device", Technical Proc. 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conf. Trade Show
- Mezić, Igor, "Coupled Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Asymptotic Behavior and Uncertainty Propagation", Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Mezić, Igor and Banaszuk, Andrzej, "Comparison of systems with complex behavior", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 197, 1-2: 101--133
- Mezić, Igor and Runolfsson, T, "Uncertainty analysis of complex dynamical systems", American Control Conference
- Muller, S, Mezić, Igor, Walther, J and Koumoutsakos, P, "Transverse momentum micromixer optimization with evolution strategies", Computers and Fluids
- Noack, B, Mezić, Igor, Tadmor, G and Banaszuk, Andrzej, "Optimal mixing in recirculation zones", Physics of Fluids
- Vaidya, Umesh and Mezić, Igor, "Controllability for a class of area-preserving twist maps", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Umesh Vaidya, "Analysis and Control of Invariant Structures in Volume Preserving Systems", PhD Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara
- Vainchtein, Dimitri and Mezić, Igor, "Capture into resonance: A method for efficient control", Physical Review Letters
- Vainchtein, Dimitri, Rovinsky, E, Zelenyi, L and Neishtadt, A I, "Resonances and particle stochastization in nonhomogeneous electromagnetic fields", Journal of Nonlinear Science
- Vainchtein, Dimitri, Neishtadt, N and Mezić, Igor, "Lagrangian chaos and resonance phenomena in Stokes flows", American Physical Society
- Vainchtein, Dimitri and Mezić, Igor, "Optimal control of a co-rotating vortex pair: averaging and impulsive control", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Frederic Bottausci, I Mesic, Carl D Meinhart, Caroline Cardonne, "Mixing in the shear superposition micromixer: 3-d analysis", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
- Balasuriya, S, Mezić, Igor and Jones, C, "Weak finite-time Melnikov theory and 3D viscous perturbations of Euler flows", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Bottausci, Frederic, Cardonne, Caroline, Mezić, Igor and Meinhart, C, "An Actively Controlled Micromixer: 3-D Experiments and Simulations", American Physical Society
- Bottausci, Frederic, Cardonne, Caroline, Mezić, Igor, Meinhart, C and Loire, Sophie, "Shear Superposition Micromixer: 3-D Analysis", Proceedings of the ASME Mechanical Engineering International Congress and Exposition, MEMS, Washington, DC
- Chang, Dong Eui, Loire, Sophie and Mezić, Igor, "Separation of bioparticles using the travelling wave dielectrophoresis with multiple frequencies", Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Dong Eui Chang, Sophie Loire, Igor Mezić, "Closed-form solutions in the electrical field analysis for dielectrophoretic and travelling wave inter-digitated electrode arrays", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 36, Number 23
- Chang, D, Loire, Sophie and Mezić, Igor, "Closed-form solutions in the electrical field analysis for dielectrophoretic and travelling wave ...", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 36, 23: 3073--3078
- Han Chen, Yanting Zhang, Igor Mezic, Carl Meinhart, Linda Petzold, "Numerical simulation of an electroosmotic micromixer", ASME 2003 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
- Gregory Hagen, Igor Mezic, "Spillover stabilization in finite-dimensional control and observer design for dissipative evolution equations", SIAM journal on control and optimization
- Thomas John, Igor Mezic, "Free shear layer modeling using Lagrangian Averaged Euler equations", APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts
- George Mathew, Igor Mezić, Linda Petzold, "A multiscale measure for mixing and its applications", Decision and Control, 2003. Proceedings. 42nd IEEE Conference on
- Prashant G Mehta, Marios C Soteriou, Andrzej Banaszuk, Igor Mezic, "Fuel control of a ducted bluffbody flame", Decision and Control, 2003. Proceedings. 42nd IEEE Conference on
- Mezić, Igor, Mathew, George, Bottausci, Frederic and Cardonne, Caroline, "An Actively Controlled Micromixer: 3-D Theory", American Physical Society
- Mezić, Igor, "Controllability of Hamiltonian systems with drift: Action-angle variables and ergodic partition", Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Mezić, Igor, "Controllability, integrability and ergodicity", Lecture notes in control and information sciences
- Mezić, Igor, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Ergodic Theory Methods in Control", Storming Media
- Solomon, T and Mezić, Igor, "Uniform resonant chaotic mixing in fluid flows", Nature, 425, 6956: 376--380
- Idan Tuval, Igor Mezic, Oreste Piro, "Electrothermal flow effects in dielectrophoresis", APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts
- Vaidya, Umesh, D'Alessandro, Dominic and Mezić, Igor, "Control of Heisenberg spin systems; Lie algebraic decompositions and action-angle variables", Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Vaidya, Umesh and Mezić, Igor, "Controllability for a class of discrete-time Hamiltonian systems", Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Dmitri Vainchtein, Igor Mezic, "Control of vortex elements: flat coordinates vs. adiabatic control", Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2003: A Proceedings Volume from the 2nd IFAC Workshop, Seville, Spain, 3-5 April, 2003
- Dmitri Vainchtein, Igor Mezic, "Capture into resonance: a novel method of efficient control", European Control Conference (ECC), 2003
- Vainchtein, Dimitri, Mezić, Igor and Neishtadt, A I, "Resonance crossings and chaotic advection in Stokes flows", American Physical Society
- Valente, A, McClamroch, N and Mezić, Igor, "Hybrid dynamics of two coupled oscillators that can impact a fixed stop", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
- Yanting Zhang, David Follman, Han Chen, Igor Mezic, Carl Meinhart, Linda R Petzold, Noel C MacDonald, "Design and fabrication of a ring electrokinetic chaotic micromixer (RECM) with integrated electrodes", Proceedings of the ASME international mechanical engineering congress and RD&D Expo, Washington, DC, IMECE2003-44005
- D'Alessandro, Dominic, Mezić, Igor and Dahleh, M, "Statistical properties of controlled fluid flows with applications to control of mixing", Systems & control letters
- Mezić, Igor, "An extension of Prandtl--Batchelor theory and consequences for chaotic advection", Physics of Fluids
- Mezić, Igor and Sotiropoulos, F, "Ergodic theory and experimental visualization of invariant sets in chaotically advected flows", Physics of Fluids
- Stroock, A, Dertinger, S, Ajdari, A, Mezić, Igor, Stone, Howard A and Whitesides, George M, "Chaotic mixer for microchannels", Science, 295, 5555: 647--651
- Stroock, A, Dertinger, S, Ajdari, A, Mezić, I., Stone, H. and Whitesides, GM., "Chaotic mixing in microchannels", Science
- Vaidya, Umesh and Mezić, Igor, "Controllability of twist maps", American Control Conference
- Vainchtein, Dimitri and Mezić, Igor, "Control of vortex merger via elliptical vortex patch model", American Physical Society
- Bamieh, B, Mezić, Igor and Fardad, M, "A framework for destabilization of dynamical systems and mixing enhancement", Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Mezić, Igor, "Break-up of invariant surfaces in action--angle--angle maps and flows", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Mezić, Igor, "Chaotic advection in bounded Navier--Stokes flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Mezić, Igor, "Controllability of group translations", American Control Conference
- Mezić, Igor, "Dynamics and Control of Instabilities and Mixing in Complex Fluid Flows; Applications to Jet Engines", Storming Media
- Salapaka, S, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "On the dynamics of a harmonic oscillator undergoing impacts with a vibrating platform", Nonlinear Dynamics
- Vainchtein, Dimitri and Mezić, Igor, "Control of a co-rotating vortex pair", American Physical Society
- Valente, A and Mezić, Igor, "Observability and controllability in systems with moving averages", Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Basso, M, Giarre, L, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Complex dynamics in a harmonically excited Lennard-Jones oscillator: Microcantilever-sample ...", Journal of Dynamic Systems
- Fountain, G, Khakhar, D, Mezić, Igor and Ottino, J, "Chaotic mixing in a bounded three-dimensional flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Hagen, Gregory and Mezić, Igor, "Three Dimensional Stall Inception and Flow Control in Axial Compressors", American Physical Society
- Hagen, Gregory and Mezić, Igor, "Control spillover in dissipative evolution equations", American Control Conference
- Mezić, Igor and Banaszuk, Andrzej, "Comparison of systems with complex behavior: spectral methods", Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Noack, B, Mezić, Igor and Banaszuk, Andrzej, "Controlling vortex motion and chaotic advection", Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2: 1716--1723
- Solomon, T and Mezić, Igor, "Transport barriers and L'evy flights in three-dimensional fluid flows", American Physical Society
- Sotiropoulos, F and Mezić, Igor, "Ergodic Theory and Experimental Visualization of Chaos in 3D Flows", American Physical Society
- Ashhab, M, Salapaka, M, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Dynamical analysis and control of microcantilevers", Automatica, 35: 1663--1670
- Ashhab, M, Salapaka, M, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Melnikov-based dynamical analysis of microcantilevers in scanning probe microscopy", Nonlinear Dynamics
- Basso, M, Dahleh, M, Mezić, Igor and Salapaka, M, "Stochastic resonance in AFM's", American Control Conference
- D'Alessandro, Dominic, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Control of mixing in fluid flow: a maximum entropy approach", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Hagen, Gregory, Mezić, Igor, Bamieh, B and Zhang, K, "Modelling and control of axial compressors via air injection", American Control Conference
- Hagen, Gregory and Mezić, Igor, "Modelling and Control of Fluid Motion in Jet Engine Axial Compressors", American Physical Society
- King, G, Mezić, Igor, Rowlands, G and Rudman, M, "Can particle transport coefficients be extracted from symmetry measures?", Fluid Dynamics Research
- Majumdar, A and Mezić, Igor, "Instability of ultra-thin water films and the mechanism of droplet formation on hydrophilic surfaces", Journal of Heat Transfer
- Mezić, Igor, Wiggins, S and Betz, D, "Residence-time distributions for chaotic flows in pipes", Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
- Mezić, Igor and Newton, P, "On the statistical mechanics of planar and spherical point vortex motion", American Physical Society
- Mezić, Igor and Wiggins, Stephen, "A method for visualization of invariant sets of dynamical systems based on the ergodic partition", Chaos, 9, 1
- Poje, A, Haller, G and Mezić, Igor, "The geometry and statistics of mixing in aperiodic flows", Physics of Fluids
- Volpert, M, Meinhart, C, Mezić, Igor and Dahleh, M, "An actively controlled micromixer", American Physical Society
- Andrzej Banaszuk, Höskuldur Ari Hauksson, Igor Mezic, "A backstepping controller for a nonlinear partial differential equation model of compression system instabilities", SIAM journal on control and optimization
- A. N. Yannacopoulos, I. Mezic´, G. Rowlands, and G. P. King, "Eulerian diagnostics for Lagrangian chaos in three-dimensional Navier-Stokes flows", Physical Review E
- M.A. Bees, I. Mezic, J. McGlade, "Planktonic interactions and chaotic advection in Langmuir circulation", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- I. Mezić, A. Leonard, S. Wiggins, "Regular and chaotic particle motion near a helical vortex filament", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- I. Mezic, and I. Min, "On the Equilibrium Distribution of Like-Signed Vortices in Two Dimensions ", Chaos, Kinetics and Nonlinear Dynamics in Fluids and Plasmas
- Basso, M, Giarre, L, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Numerical analysis of complex dynamics in atomic force microscopes", Control Applications
- D'Alessandro, Dominic, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Control of fluid mixing using entropy methods", American Control Conference
- D'Alessandro, Dominic, Mezić, Igor and Dahleh, M, "On the existence of time averages for time-varying dynamical systems", Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Haller, G and Mezić, Igor, "Reduction of three-dimensional, volume-preserving flows with symmetry", Nonlinearity
- Malhotra, N, Mezić, Igor and Wiggins, S, "Patchiness: A new diagnostic for Lagrangian trajectory analysis in time-dependent fluid flows", American Physical Society
- Salapaka, S, Salapaka, M, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Complex dynamics in repeated impact oscillators", Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Ashhab, M, Salapaka, M, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Control of chaos in atomic force microscopes", American Control Conference
- Banaszuk, Andrzej, Hauksson, H and Mezić, Igor, "A backstepping controller for a nonlinear partial differential equation model of compression system instabilities", Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2: 1050--1055
- Banaszuk, Andrzej, Hauksson, H and Mezić, Igor, "Control of stall and surge in compressors based on Moore-Greitzer PDE model", Proceedings on the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications: 677--682
- Bees, M, Mezić, Igor and McGlade, J, "Planktonic interactions and chaotic advection in Langmuir circulation", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- D'Alessandro, Dominic, Dahleh, M and Mezić, Igor, "Maximum entropy approach to the control of mixing", American Control Conference
- King, G, Yannacopoulos, A, Mezić, Igor and Rowlands, G, "An Eulerian Diagnostic for Lagrangian Chaos for 3D Navier-Stokes flows", American Physical Society
- Malhotra, N, Mezić, Igor and Wiggins, S, "Lagrangian Trajectory Analysis in Fluid Flows Using Patchiness", American Physical Society
- Mezić, Igor, "FKG inequalities in cellular automata and coupled map lattices", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Mezić, Igor, Leonard, A and Wiggins, S, "Regular and chaotic particle motion near a helical vortex filament", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- Mezić, Igor, D'Alessandro, Dominic and Dahleh, M, "Maximum Entropy Approach to Control of Mixing", American Physical Society
- Mezić, Igor, Brady, J and Wiggins, S, "Maximal effective diffusivity for time-periodic incompressible fluid flows", SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
- Min, I, Mezić, Igor and Leonard, A, "Levy stable distributions for velocity and velocity difference in systems of vortex elements", Physics of Fluids
- Mezić, Igor and Wiggins, S, "Nonergodicity, accelerator modes, and asymptotic quadratic-in-time diffusion in a class of volume-preserving maps", Physical Review E
- Mezić, Igor and Wiggins, S, "On the dynamical origin of asymptotic t2 dispersion of a nondiffusive tracer in incompressible laminar flows", Physics of Fluids, 6, 2227
- Mezić, Igor and Wiggins, S, "On the integrability and perturbation of three-dimensional fluid flows with symmetry", Journal of Nonlinear Science
- Igor Mezic, "On the geometrical and statistical properties of dynamical systems: theory and application", PhD Thesis, California Instituite of Technology
- Yannacopoulos, A, Mezić, Igor, Rowlands, G and King, G, "Eulerian diagnostics for Lagrangian chaos in three-dimensional Navier-Stokes flows", J. Nonlinear Sci Phys Rev E