May 28, 2014 – Hassan Arbabi recieves the 2014 Holbrook Fellowship from the Institute for Energy Efficiency
Hassan Arbabi, a doctoral student in the Mezić Group has been selected as a Holbrook Fellow for the academic year 2014-2015. Funded by Tara and George Holbrook, this competetive fellowship is offered by the Institue for Energy Efficiency (IEE) to a handfull of PhD students at UCSB in the early stage of their research. Students are nominated by the affilaites of IEE and nominations are considered based on the student records and the potential impact of their study on energy efficiency. For more information on IEE programs and Holbrook fellowship click here.
Hassan Arbabi, a doctoral student in the Mezić Group has been selected as a Holbrook Fellow for the academic year 2014-2015. Funded by Tara and George Holbrook, this competetive fellowship is offered by the Institue for Energy Efficiency (IEE) to a handfull of PhD students at UCSB in the early stage of their research. Students are nominated by the affilaites of IEE and nominations are considered based on the student records and the potential impact of their study on energy efficiency. For more information on IEE programs and Holbrook fellowship click here.